On Friday 24.03.2023. at the Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology in room 208, starting at 10:00 a.m., a presentation of the factory HI “Poliex” AD from Berane will be held
The presentation will be held by the delegation of “Poliex” in the following composition: MSc Kristina Vujisić, member of the Board of Directors of HI “Poliex” AD and prof. Dr. Marinko Aleksić, Head of the Development and Research Center Poliex. Former students of the Faculty of Metallurgical Technology and Natural Mathematics, Elma Bakija and Dragana Jelić, will talk about their experience and employment at Poliex. The delegation will present the factory, its production program, the current positioning of the factory on the regional and world market, as well as the future development strategy. There will be discussions about the possibilities of involving students in the development of the factory, scholarship and employment opportunities for graduates of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.