On Friday, February 16, 2018, the Faculty of Metallurgy and Technology was visited by representatives of the Chemical Industry “POLIEX” a.d. Berane, executive director Slavko Vujisic and chief technologist Zivko Andric.
In a constructive conversation, the possibilities of cooperation in the practical training of students, the program commitment of master’s and doctoral theses according to the needs of POLIEX, the possibility of employment, as well as scholarships for MTF graduates were identified.
In addition, the possibility of joint bidding for scientific funds and agreed activities on that occasion was recognized.
The chemical industry POLIEX, Berane is recognized as a company that will enter the list of teaching bases of MTF. In order to promote the company and its work, MTF students will be promoted about the company and its program commitment, especially in the field of specialty chemistry and perchlorate production.
After the presentation, a visit to the company will be organized, during which a contract on practical training of MTF students in POLIEX facilities will be signed. Representatives of the company emphasized the need for specialized staff, so that students will be presented with employment opportunities, as well as scholarships for a certain number of the best. In the conversation, mutual readiness for cooperation in student training was recognized and confirmed, but also in the transfer of knowledge for the needs of the market.