• White and yellow dough with no additives,
• It is formed with hands (no waste),
• Maintains reached form (shape),
• Density………………………..min. 1,50 g/cm³,
• Detonation speed……………..min. 7400 m/s,
• Accepts detonating cord initiation impulse (minimum line density 10g/m, weather the detonating cord is
wrapped around explosive charge or the explosive charge is formed around the node of the detonating cord)
• Transmits detonation from active to passive detonating explosive charge up to 5 cm distance,
• Not sensitive to bullet shot,
• There is no excudation (liquid component separation),
• Handling and transporting is safe,
• Protected or not, does not detonate if dropped from 10 m height to solid concrete surface ,
• Does not contain material that would endanger people’s health,
• Has no chemical influence to materials used to build the elements,
• Applicable with no restraints regarding hydro-meteorological conditions,
• Shaped in dependency of blasting objects and maintains reached shape,
• Can be transported in any vehicle,
• Maintains physical, chemical and explosive features whilst maintaining quality of shaping and initiating,
there is no decomposition or destruction and does not absorb water while reacting:
1. Salty water up to one year and up to 60 m dept,
2. River water up to two months and up to 6 m dept,
3. Atmosphere factors (sun, rain, cold) up to one year,
4. Spring water up to two months,
5. Soil up to 2,5 m dept with frequent underground waters up to 2,5 months.